Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fan of Coldplay?

LOST?... by Roberto Comparan & Phillip Bosco

Coldplay music video contest. For more, check out

Please join me in praying that Luke 15 will make its mark.

Friday, November 21, 2008

coffee date.

This is something I read on the wall of the communications department while waiting to meet with my professor. I couldn't find the actual story on the internet so I am going to try to paraphrase... it was a good little story =) 

A man was sitting with his teenage daughter and her friend when he pulled out four different coffee cups. Two were really fancy and shiny looking, while the other two were dull and not so pretty. He asked the girls to pick a cup. They both reached for the shiny, pretty cups of course because they were the best. Then he filled their cups with coffee and began to explain his little theory.

He said, "You see, the coffee in the cup represents your life. It is rich and warm, all the things that make life enjoyable. The cup itself represents all of the material possessions in our lives. We always go for the best, shiniest, more expensive things to make our lives look better on the outside. When really, it doesn't matter what our cup looks like or how pretty it is.... it is the coffee on the inside that really matters to us."

God brews our coffee and makes our lives rich. The cup is just a material thing that holds it... what do you take more pride in? Your cup or your coffee?

Have a blessed day.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

How easy it is...

.... to take control.

We think we know what we are going to do today. We have it all planned out. And not just today, but we have everything planned out for the rest of our lives. We know what we want and we are going for it. In this comfort of routine and control, we find our happiness. 

Then something unexpected happens -- A family member dies. We lose our job. We fail a class which prevents us from graduating. Our boyfriend dumps us for another girl. Our car breaks down. A friend breaks their promise. We miss a job interview.

Our plans are ruined. And we are devastated. 

Who really has control over our lives? Do we? Really? Or can we rest in the fact that we really have no control. God's plan is better than ours. Yes, we are happy when life is good and goes our way... but what about when it goes God's way and it's not what we expected? Will we be happy then? Will be have joy in all circumstances?

How easy it is-- to lose sight of God's purpose for our lives. In good times and in bad. When we want control... we are up against a powerful God. It is all in his hands, since day one. Stop fighting, and learn to find rest in his plan. 

"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truths and teach me, for you are God my savior, and my hope is in you all day long." Psalm 25: 2-5

Today, this is my prayer. I don't want to fight for control over my life. It is in his hands where it belongs. 

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ladies-- are we GLAMOROUS?

Yes, Fergie and many other sexy Hollywood woman have given us their definitions of Glamorous. In fact, this world reminds us everyday of their definitions of what makes a Glamorous woman. Many times, Glamor is based on the outward appearance and material things that makes us "beautiful" and "wanted" by the male species.

Have you ever stopped to think about what a Glamorous life in Christ might look like and how attractive that must be to a man seeking Christ in his own life? C'mon, we give fashion magazines the chance to tell us day after day. Perhaps we can consider a different type of Glamor?

Now this does not come from the bible, just my thoughts today. But perhaps you can let this sink into your thoughts for a bit. What if our lives could portray this kind of Glamor?

G- Grace of God: Knowing God has given us the gift of grace sets us free from a life of guilt and restores purity in our lives. Even after we have messed up bad. His grace is always sufficient.

L- Love: Christ's love is present in our daily lives. In the way we love our families, friends and even strangers. People can set us apart because we love through Christ.

A- Acceptance: We can accept situations and people in our lives even when they are difficult. Each one is made to test us and grow us. And we can accept that all things work for the good of Christ who loves us.

M- Maturity: We can rest assure that every situation teaches us something about ourselves and God's purpose for our lives. His plan must carry through so that we will be mature and complete in Him.

O- Optimism: In him, we have hope in each new day. We can look torward the future with confidence that we are exactly where we need to be.

R- Redemption: We are redeemed by his love. We no longer have to let the past hold us down.

O- Opportunity: We have the opportunity to be used for a bigger purpose than what our own dreams can tell us. And with each new day, we have the opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ to our world.

U- Unique: We are unique in every way. And made for a specific purpose that no one else in this world can live out but you.

S- Sinner: We are all sinners saved by grace. None better than the other. We fall and pick ourselves back up again so that Christ's love may shine on this world.

When will you realize that you are worth far more than a cheap beer and convenient sex? We've all been there. You deserve the rainbows and fairytale wedding you've always dreamed of.

This is not the kind of Glamor that can be bought or sold. It is rare. It is eternal. It can't fade. No matter how far you have gone or how corrupted you have been, you can be made whole and clean.

Christ's love gives us something that no man can ever give or take away. You are precious and worth far more than rubies.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pray for our President.

I am a McCain Supporter and I do not agree with everything Obama believes in. However, regar​dless​ of our views​ or who we have voted​ for, Barac​k Obama​ is now our Presi​dent.​ He deser​ves respe​ct and suppo​rt.​ Altho​ugh I wasn'​t too fond of Bush,​ it burne​d me up to hear peopl​e tear him down.​ The same goes for now. I hope we can all be matur​e and reali​ze that it is our duty as Ameri​cans to respe​ct our comma​nder-​in-​chief​,​ no matte​r who it is. Let us not forget, God will not give us anything that we cannot handle. This is the time to show the love of Jesus, not the love of politics.

God bless​ Ameri​ca.​ All my respe​ct and praye​rs go out to Presi​dent Barac​k Obama​ and his famil​y, as well McCain and his family.