Friday, November 21, 2008

coffee date.

This is something I read on the wall of the communications department while waiting to meet with my professor. I couldn't find the actual story on the internet so I am going to try to paraphrase... it was a good little story =) 

A man was sitting with his teenage daughter and her friend when he pulled out four different coffee cups. Two were really fancy and shiny looking, while the other two were dull and not so pretty. He asked the girls to pick a cup. They both reached for the shiny, pretty cups of course because they were the best. Then he filled their cups with coffee and began to explain his little theory.

He said, "You see, the coffee in the cup represents your life. It is rich and warm, all the things that make life enjoyable. The cup itself represents all of the material possessions in our lives. We always go for the best, shiniest, more expensive things to make our lives look better on the outside. When really, it doesn't matter what our cup looks like or how pretty it is.... it is the coffee on the inside that really matters to us."

God brews our coffee and makes our lives rich. The cup is just a material thing that holds it... what do you take more pride in? Your cup or your coffee?

Have a blessed day.



Wes Van Fleet said...

Cool story Mindy, thanks!

Heidi - said...

What a great story. It makes me what to have a coffee date with you, and drink out of old chipped cups. What do you say?

twin power mommy ♥ said...

In my cup there's a delicious brew of Starbucks' Winter Blend.
Don't normally like Starbucks' bean coffee, but Winter Blend and Christmas Blend always get me excited!

(i KNOW you weren't talking about that literally...just bein' silly!)