Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Are you enough for me?

Quiet moments. Down time.

What do I do with this time? Usually there are plenty of distractions. Busyness, friends, family, facebook, activities, church events, movies, small group, grocery shopping, work. So much to do with so little time. Life is good.. Crazy, on the go...

Do you think that God may stop us for a reason? Does he slow things down or take something away to grab our attention? Are there seasons of life when we don't have much of a choice than to turn to Him? Are there moments of desperation for a reason?

I have such a blessed life. So many people who love me, an amazing husband, a beautiful baby boy, my health, the list is endless.

But I often wonder if HE is enough. If I lost everything, would my God be enough for me? Do I praise my God because my life is so good? Would I continue to praise Him if everything I hold dear was torn from my hands? I say my God is good, but would these words leave my lips if I hit the ultimate pit of life?

Is God just an addition to the wonderful life I live? Or is he the core? Is he the first thing I think about when I wake in the morning and lay my head down at night? Do I breathe Him? Is he closer to me than my own skin?

The answer to this may change from day to day, because life just happens that way. Some days I am so passionate for my Savior that I can feel him seeping through the pores of my skin. Then there are days when he seems so far away, like I couldn't feel Him even if he touched me.

Isn't life crazy like that? Some days are good and some are pretty bad. Life is easy, then life is hard.

My life lately has had a lot of down time. Living in a new place, not knowing many people has been a battle on certain days. I love people. I thrive on being around people and feeling that closeness between humans. Lately I have noticed that my best days have been when I'm super busy. I have a lot to do so I don't have time to miss people or feel lonely or even to seek my God.

But I don't want that. I don't want a life full of activities to make me happy. I want a soul full of Jesus. I want to experience His joy even in those dull moments of life.

I want my focus to be on bringing Him glory. If I stop and think about it, there is no down time at all... I want to grow in God's word; His love letter to me. I want to cultivate my marriage and be the best wife I can be to the man God gave me. I want to teach my son to love others like Jesus did. It is easy to slack on these things in life because we feel "Blah" at times. But praise the Lord that every day is a new day! A refreshing chance to start over and try again.

I want everyday to be about bringing Him glory, not about what activity will make me feel good. I want Jesus to be more than enough. I want to seek His presence passionately. I want to believe His word and rest in the fact that He truly is more than enough. I am open to knowing what God is trying to teach me during this season in my life.

There is nothing in this life that I will have to endure alone. He is walking with me every step of the way. Whether life circumstances are amazing or heartbreaking, MY JESUS IS ENOUGH! Thank you Jesus for making me believe. My joy is in you. I will seek you all the days of my life.

No matter how far you look on this Earth, nothing will ever satisfy the inner parts of your soul like Jesus will.

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, "He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith." Hebrews 10:35-37


Cyndi said...

Mindy - you are such an amazing woman of God and a constant encouragement to all who know you!

Aurora Mckeehan-Vilchis said...

"Is God just an addition to the wonderful life I live? Or is he the core?"

LOVE it Min! I love you so much and so thankful to do life with you.