Sunday, September 19, 2010

Three words...

Wherever you are... whatever problem, pain, season, struggle, fear...

You need to know...

God loves you.

Because sometimes you just need to hear it...

He loves you in your brokenness, in your insecurities, in your sin, in your anger, in your confusion...

God loves you.

Because sometimes we just need to be reminded...

The creator of the Universe has called you by name, you are His. (Isaiah 43:1)

Three little words... cliche. But true. Deep. Real.

How amazing... Right where you are. In this moment..

God loves YOU.

Breathe Him in.


Our flesh may fail us, but your spirit never does, O Lord.


Lauren Bolda said...

i soooo needed this right now.

Julie de Waroquier said...

The picture with the woamn and the big tree that you have used for your blog is mine. I'am rally glad that you like it, but you have to credit me with a link and my name, or you'll have to remove it.
Julie de Waroquier